“Top 7” Snook Flies For This Season and How To Tie Them

Fly fishing for snook can be one of the most rewarding ways to spend time on the water; however, with that said, there are days where snook can leave even the most experienced anglers hanging their heads.

To help you be successful this season we have compiled a list out our top 7 snook flies and the HD tying videos to teach you how to tie them.

If you do not like to tie flies or would like me to tie them for you, be sure to check out my online fly shop, www.backwaterflies.com.


When it comes to catching a snook with a fly rod it is often hard to decide what fly to tie on. For me, I have a number of patterns that I go to when I need to seal the deal. The Backwater Muddler Minnow is always one of them.









Whether you are chasing snook during the mullet run or in the backwater lagoons of the Everglades National Park, this is one fly you will want in your box. One of the cool things about this fly is the fact that is uses a mix of natural and synthetic materials while incorporating basic and intermediate tying techniques. From start to finish this is certainly one of my favorite flies to tie.

Craft Fur Baitfish









This is one of my favorite craft fur baitfish patterns for big predatory fish. It moves like a charm in the water and is a fantastic for big snook off the beaches or in the mangroves. You can tie this fly on a variety of different hooks, however I prefer a heavy wire Owner hook when whipping these up.

The Ghost Rat









The EP Minnow Brush head and the craft fur tail do a great job of creating a nice taper on the fly.  On a sunny day this guy lights up the water and can be fished in a variety of different situations. Since it is tied with relatively light materials it makes for a great fly to throw at spooky or laid up fish. Easy to tie and very visible to hunting fish!

The Crystal River Shrimp









This has proven to be one of the most effective inshore fly patterns that we have fished so far. It uses natural colors that could mimic a crab, shrimp, or even be mistaken for an inshore baitfish species if retrieved accordingly. We have had luck on the Crystal River Shrimp all over Florida and Costa Rica. The lead eyes can easily be substituted for bead chain if fishing shallow flats.

EP Baitfish









The EP Baitfish has been a huge staple in the fishing scene since EP Fibers were invented. Due to the variety of available colors that can be purchased, it is possible to cover 99% of desired baitfish imitations with these simple materials. Once you get the hang of how to select the correct amount of fibers for each fly, the fibers become very easy to work with. Our video covers the best way to  select fibers and attach them properly to the hook shank.

Last But Not Least: The Poppin’ Flats Shrimp and the BIG BASTARD BAITFISH!!!

HEAD OVER TO BACKWATERFLIES.COM if you would like to purchase 3pks of some of my favorite flies for inshore saltwater fly fishing!

Thank you for checking out this post! If you like what you saw be sure to LIKE us on Facebook and follow us on INSTAGRAM in order to keep up with our fly tying videos and destination trips!

Keep your hearts right, and your lines tight!

Capt. Jesse Males

6 Comments Add yours

  1. Joe says:

    Just found your site. Great patterns and easy ties


    1. Thank you for your kind words in regards to our site. We are glad you have enjoyed the tying videos!


    1. Yes. That fly is currently not for sale any longer on the website.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Tom Irvin says:

    Do you have a recipe for a Snook a roo?


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