My First Rooster on the Fly – Playa Del Coco, Costa Rica

Since moving to Costa Rica my wife and I have been extremely busy. With a newborn kid and a heck of a lot of paperwork and settling in to do: fishing has been put on the backburner. Luckily, that all changed this past week and I was able to hit the beach in hopes of getting lucky enough to bag a roosterfish!


This beach was exactly how I picture beaches in my dreams: very few people, nobody fishing, and schools of shallow bait running up and down the beach. It wasn’t long after wading out into the water that fish began to smash a few of the bait pods just 40 feet from me. After plopping my beastly craft fur minnow down in the midst of the chaos…I was hooked up with my first rooster on the fly.

Craft Fur Minnow


Capt. Jesse Males
Capt. Jesse Males

This was the only rooster that I landed during this trip to the coast; however, multiple other fish species were caught. Multiple different kinds of grouper, ladyfish, and even a few shots at some triggerfish came into play.

Over all this was a great place to chase fish and hang out in a super chill Costa Rican town. Great food, and good times!

Tight lines,

Capt. Jesse Males

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