Blue Ridge Custom Flies

I am often asked to tie freshwater flies for customers in addition to their saltwater fly orders. Unfortunately, freshwater flies are not something I am able to accommodate at this time.

This is where Adam Harman from Blue Ridge Custom Flies comes into play. After searching far and wide for a quality craftsman to send my freshwater inquiries to, I am very happy to include Adam’s work on my site. For Adam, fly tying is not just a business or a hobby, it’s an art and a passion.

Here are some samples from each category Adam offers. Click on the corresponding links below to be directed to his online fly shop in order to make a purchase.





Bass Bugs 

As you can see by the quality in the flies above, Adam is a master of his craft. Now, don’t be deceived by thinking this is all that is offered on his website. If you don’t see what you need Adam is willing to work with you to develop Custom Made Flies tailored to your specific needs.

Custom Made Flies

If at this point there is still something you would like that you are not seeing here, then feel free to shoot Adam and email directly at  blueridgefly@gmail.comYou can also get the low down on what is popping of his vise by following him on Instagram

Whether it’s a nymph, streamer, dry fly or bass bug, he will do his best to tie your flies tailored to your specifics. Obviously, prices will vary on each fly depending on the materials being used.

Well, that is it folks! Keep your hearts right and your lines tight!

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